Woman caught with 1 kilogram of drugs at the airport: You'll never guess where she hid it

Written by Jakob A. Overgaard

Sep.01 - 2023 7:24 AM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
In a recent and unexpected turn of events, customs officers at Copenhagen Airport made a startling discovery on August 18, 2023. During a routine check, they found a woman carrying a staggering 1 kilogram of narcotics inside her body.

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The woman, who was singled out based on a specific risk profile, was initially stopped for questioning at the gate. She informed the officers that she was on vacation in Denmark. However, her inability to provide further details about her trip raised suspicions.

It is reported by the Danish webmedia Pensionist.dk.

Upon being escorted to the inspection area, her luggage underwent a thorough scan and check. The officers, sensing something amiss, sought her consent for an internal scan. The results were shocking. The scan revealed that she had ingested between 80 to 100 pellets, cumulatively weighing around 1 kilogram, filled with narcotics.

Immediately after this discovery, the police were alerted. The woman was promptly arrested and rushed to the hospital for medical attention, as per a statement released by the Customs Authority.

Mette Helmundt, the head of the Customs Control Unit at Copenhagen Airport, commented on the incident. "Every now and then, we encounter cases of travelers ingesting illegal substances. In this instance, we prevented a traveler carrying a significant amount of drugs from entering Denmark. We don't stop every traveler, but we utilize data to pinpoint the right individuals for checks. This strategy proved effective in this case."

The Customs Authority views such incidents with grave concern due to the immense risks involved. If any of the ingested pellets were to rupture, it could pose an immediate threat to the individual's life.

It's worth noting that the Customs Authority routinely detects narcotics in various forms, be it liquid or solid, across different modes of transport. This includes travelers at airports, containers on ships docking at ports, and even postal packages at national mail centers. Recent statistics reveal that in 2022 alone, the Customs Authority confiscated a whopping 1.5 tons of narcotics.

The case has now been handed over to the Copenhagen Police for further investigation, including the identification of the specific narcotic involved.