'There’s no book that guides you through that' - Gordon Ramsay opens up after death of unborn son

Written by Henrik Rothen

Sep.23 - 2023 11:15 AM CET

Photo: Wikipedia Commons
Photo: Wikipedia Commons
Gordon Ramsay opens up after death of unborn son.

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In a candid discussion with People, celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay revealed the emotional toll of losing his unborn son, a tragedy that he says left him without a guidebook on how to cope. Ramsay, who is usually known for his fiery temper and sharp wit, showed a softer side as he opened up about this deeply personal loss.

"Dealing with the loss of an unborn child is something that you're never prepared for," Ramsay said. "There's no book that guides you through that loss, and it's a lonely journey that you have to go through almost by yourself."

The renowned chef, who has four children with his wife Tana, lost his fifth child in 2016 when Tana suffered a miscarriage at five months.

Photo: Wikipedia Commons

The couple has always been private about their personal lives, but Ramsay felt it was time to share this painful chapter as a way to help others who might be going through similar experiences.

"It's a pain like no other," he continued. "And it's important to talk about it, to help remove the stigma that often surrounds miscarriage and stillbirth."

Ramsay's vulnerability comes as a surprise to many who are used to his tough exterior. But it's clear that the experience has had a profound impact on him, both as a father and as a husband. "It makes you realize how precious life is," he said. "It's a lesson that I wouldn't wish upon anyone, but it's also a lesson that teaches you the value of love and family."

The Ramsays have since welcomed another child, Oscar, into their family, but the loss of their unborn son remains a sensitive subject. "Life moves on, but the pain never fully goes away," Ramsay concluded.

By sharing his story, Ramsay hopes to offer some comfort to others facing the same devastating loss, emphasizing that while there may not be a guidebook for such tragedies, no one has to go through it alone.