One of the Healthiest Fruits: Eat This, and Your Brain Will Love You

Written by Henrik Rothen

Feb.09 - 2024 8:16 AM CET

Eat This, and Your Brain Will Love You.

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When you think of homemade juices, which fruits first come to mind? Likely candidates include apples, raspberries, cherries, strawberries, chokeberries, or even carrots. However, we hope that after reading this article, you’ll also make room on your list for blueberries. You'll start feeling the first effects after just a week of consumption.

Blueberries are a delicious seasonal fruit. They taste best during their flowering period, which falls between July and August. They can be consumed in various ways—raw, as an addition to desserts, or even as juice. Regular consumption of blueberry juice brings many health benefits.

Blueberries—An Underappreciated Fruit with Numerous Health Properties

During the summer, we enjoy an abundance of various fruits and vegetables. There’s nothing better than fruits picked straight from the tree or bush in our own garden. Although blueberries are available in stores year-round, they taste best during their flowering season from late July to August.

Naturally sweet, slightly tart, and incredibly aromatic, we wait all year for them. Few are aware of the numerous health properties of blueberries. Blueberries are a source of valuable micro and macro elements essential for maintaining health. These can be found not only in the fruits but also in blueberry juice. We explain how to prepare it.

Blueberry Juice—A Treasure Trove of Nutritious Substances

Blueberry juice is incredibly nutritious and delicious, loved by both adults and children. Its unique taste is just one of its many advantages. A glass of purple juice contains a wealth of valuable vitamins and minerals.

Studies suggest that regular consumption of blueberry juice can improve memory, concentration, and learning ability. This juice also protects the cardiovascular system and supports the digestive and immune systems. Thanks to its high antioxidant content, the juice will help your body fight free radicals and oxidative stress.

Blueberry Juice Recipe

  • Any amount of blueberries,

  • Optionally: an apple or another fruit.


  1. Wash, dry, and sort the blueberries.

  2. Blend the fruits into a pulp using a blender, or use a juicer to extract the juice. You can add water to dilute the juice, but the most nutritious is the concentrated one.

  3. Your blueberry juice is ready. You can pour it into jars or glass bottles and pasteurize it, or consume it immediately.