Alexei Navalny Finally Located

Written by Henrik Rothen

Dec.25 - 2023 7:44 PM CET

Photo: Wiki Commons
Photo: Wiki Commons
Alexei Navalny Finally Located.

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Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who had been missing since December 5, has finally been located by his team in a remote Siberian penal colony. This is reported by New York Times.

Navalny's spokesperson, Kira Yarmysh, announced on Christmas Day that Navalny's lawyer was able to meet with him, confirming his whereabouts and well-being. Navalny, 47, was found in the IK-3 penal colony, also known as "Polar Wolf," in Kharp, Northern Russia.

This discovery came after a tense period of uncertainty when Navalny disappeared from his previous facility near Moscow and failed to appear for a court hearing via video link.

Navalny's Ongoing Struggle

Navalny has been a prominent figure opposing Russian President Vladimir Putin, which led to an assassination attempt in 2020 involving a Novichok nerve agent.

After recovering in Germany, Navalny returned to Russia in 2021, where he was immediately arrested and later sentenced to 19 years in prison on extremism charges.

His team has continuously expressed concerns about his treatment since his return. Ivan Zhadov, an aide to Navalny, criticized the Russian government for isolating and suppressing him by placing him in the most remote colonies.

Continued Advocacy and Support

Despite the challenges, Navalny's team remains committed to advocating for his freedom and highlighting the plight of political prisoners in Russia.

Zhadov thanked those who continue to support Navalny and other political prisoners, emphasizing the importance of keeping their stories alive.