Alleged Russian Spy Arrested in Denmark

Written by Camilla Jessen

Jun.11 - 2024 1:07 PM CET

A Russian woman, known within the Russian community in Denmark, has been arrested on suspicion of helping Russian intelligence operations in the country.

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The Danish authorities have arrested a Russian woman on charges of assisting the Russian intelligence service.

The woman, who runs a legal consultancy for Russian speakers in a town on the island of Zealand, is accused of facilitating activities for foreign intelligence and receiving substantial financial support from a Russian state fund involved in espionage.

Financial Links

The Danish Police Intelligence Service (PET) announced that the arrest was carried out in collaboration with the South Zealand and Lolland-Falster Police.

The woman allegedly received at least 338,000 Danish kroner (approximately 50,700 US dollars) from the fund since 2017. This money was used to operate a counseling center, which PET suspects may have been part of a broader influence operation.

Several European security agencies, including Estonia's KAPO and Finland's SUPO, have flagged similar activities as potential threats to national security.

The woman’s connection to these operations was revealed through a series of investigative articles by the Danish news station DR, which documented years of financial transactions from Pravfond, a Russian fund with intelligence officers in senior positions.


Internal documents leaked by a Western intelligence service provided key evidence leading to the woman's arrest.

PET stated that while this case is linked to ongoing concerns about Russian state funds, it is not related to the recent European Parliament elections.

The woman faces charges under Section 108 of the Criminal Code for collaboration with a foreign power. Although she is expected to be released after questioning, the investigation remains ongoing.

Both PET and the local police have refrained from making further comments.