AP Journalist Collaborating with Navalny’s Team Arrested in Russia

Written by Camilla Jessen

Apr.29 - 2024 11:22 AM CET

Photo: Novaya Gazeta
Photo: Novaya Gazeta
Journalist Sergei Karelin, who previously worked with the Associated Press (AP), has been arrested in Russia.

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Journalist Sergei Karelin, who has previously worked with international media outlets such as the Associated Press (AP) and Deutsche Welle (DW), has been arrested in the Murmansk region for allegedly collaborating with the team of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

This development has garnered international concern, with major news outlets like The Guardian and Associated Press reporting on the incident.

The Arrest of Sergei Karelin

“The Associated Press is deeply troubled by the detention of our Russian video journalist, Sergei Karelin,” stated the agency.

Karelin, who possesses both Russian and Israeli citizenship, was detained in the Murmansk region on Friday, April 26, on charges of extremist activities. His arrest is reportedly linked to his alleged collaboration with Navalny’s anti-corruption group, although specific details of the charges remain vague.

If convicted under the extremist law associated with his case, Karelin could face a prison sentence ranging from two to six years.

Broader Crackdown on Journalists

Karelin's arrest is part of a broader pattern targeting journalists.

In a related incident, Reuters producer Konstantin Gabov was detained for allegedly producing photo and video materials for the NavalnyLIVE YouTube channel. Gabov is currently held in pre-trial detention until June 27.

Both Gabov and Karelin have denied the allegations against them, as reported by The Guardian.

In a concurrent development, Forbes journalist Sergei Mingazov was placed under house arrest in connection with spreading military "fakes." Mingazov faced charges after reposting a message about the Bucha massacre and was detained on the same day as Karelin. During his arrest, authorities searched his home and confiscated computers and phones from him and his family.

Furthermore, FBK journalist Antonina Favorskaya, recognized for her coverage of Alexei Navalny's trials, was arrested on charges of “participation in an extremist community” due to her involvement with the Anti-Corruption Foundation.