Biden and Trump Neck-and-Neck in Latest Election Polls

Written by Henrik Rothen

Dec.19 - 2023 10:41 PM CET

Biden and Trump Neck-and-Neck in Latest Election Polls.

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In a significant development ahead of the 2024 election year, a Yahoo News/YouGov poll indicates a dead heat between President Biden and former President Donald Trump, each garnering 44% among registered voters.

This poll, conducted from December 14 to 18, 2023, with 1,533 U.S. adults, signals a shift in public opinion, despite recent focus on Biden's vulnerabilities.

Trump's support remains stagnant at 44% or lower among registered voters, unable to capitalize on Biden's low job-approval rating. In contrast, Biden's support, after a brief dip, has rebounded, leveling the playing field.

The survey also highlights potential electoral risks for Trump, including his criminal trials and unpopular plans. Notably, a majority of Americans consider the charges against Trump as serious crimes, and his support drops significantly in hypothetical scenarios of a criminal conviction.

Furthermore, the poll reveals skepticism about Trump's second-term plans, with most policies receiving more opposition than favor from the public. This includes his controversial ideas such as replacing federal workers, investigating political adversaries, and sending troops to enforce public order in cities.

Despite Biden's challenges, including concerns about his age and the economy, alternative Democratic nominees don't fare better than him in hypothetical matchups against Trump. Biden maintains a strong position among potential Democratic primary voters, outpacing his challengers.

On the Republican side, Trump's dominance is evident, with significant support in hypothetical primary matchups against potential GOP rivals. However, the poll also suggests that Trump's weaknesses, including his legal troubles and contentious plans, may be underestimated as the 2024 campaign approaches.

Will you vote for Biden, Trump, a third candidate, or not at all in the 2024 election?