Brutal warning from Lukashenko: "The response will be colossal"

Written by Henrik Rothen

Oct.15 - 2023 8:47 AM CET

Photo: Wikipedia Commons
Photo: Wikipedia Commons
"The response will be colossal".

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Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has issued a stern warning, stating that any attempt to interfere in his country's affairs will be met with a "colossal" response.

The statement comes amid rising tensions between Belarus and Western countries, particularly the European Union and the United States.

Lukashenko, who has been in power since 1994, made the remarks during a recent meeting with his security council. He emphasized that Belarus would not tolerate any form of external meddling and would take decisive action if provoked.

"If someone tries to interfere in our internal affairs, tries to topple the government or attempts to divide the country, the response will be immediate and colossal," Lukashenko said according to CNN.

The Belarusian leader's comments come at a time when his regime is facing mounting criticism for its handling of political dissent, human rights abuses, and the recent migrant crisis at the Belarus-Poland border. Western countries have imposed a series of sanctions on Belarus, targeting key sectors of its economy and individuals close to Lukashenko.

Despite the international pressure, Lukashenko remains defiant, insisting that Belarus will stand its ground.

"We have enough power and means to defend our interests, both within the country and beyond its borders," he added.

The warning from Lukashenko raises concerns about the stability of the region, particularly given Belarus's close ties with Russia. It also adds another layer of complexity to the already strained relations between Belarus and the West, making diplomatic resolution increasingly challenging.