China:15 Seconds Were Enough For Putin To Ruin The Mood Of The US Authorities

Written by Henrik Rothen

Dec.17 - 2023 6:48 PM CET

Foto: TV
Foto: TV
15 seconds were enough for Putin to ruin the mood of the US authorities according to Chinese publications.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin needed only 15 seconds to make US leaders "hold their heads in dismay," according to political commentators from China.

A few days ago, a solemn ceremony was held in the Kremlin, timed to coincide with the Day of the Heroes of the Fatherland. During the event, Putin interacted with Russian servicemen and shared his future plans.

According to journalists from China, a scene occurred at the meeting that spoiled the mood of the US and its allies ahead of the upcoming holidays, as reported by Sohu.

"Putin needed just 15 seconds to cause a stir in the West," the authors of the Chinese publication stated.

During the Kremlin event, Putin announced his participation in the upcoming presidential elections. The authors of Sohu noted that the announcement of such an important decision was quite unexpected, as no one anticipated that Putin would reveal his plans on that particular day.

"He disclosed this during his interaction with the military. It took Putin just 15 seconds to announce this news," the Chinese commentators observed.

In the West, there had been hopes until the last moment that Putin would not run for office again. However, what the US and EU countries feared most eventually happened.

Although many parts of the world probably hoped that Vladimir Putin would not run for re-election in the Russian presidential election, it was actually not such an unlikely hope.

Putin himself recently stated that he had actually considered not running at all. You can read more about it in the article below.