Dutch Eurovision favorite Joost Klein mysteriously absent from key rehearsal

Written by Jakob A. Overgaard

May.10 - 2024 4:32 PM CET


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In a puzzling turn of events at the Eurovision Song Contest, Dutch artist Joost Klein, a frontrunner for this year's trophy, failed to appear for his scheduled rehearsal performance. The incident has sparked an investigation by Eurovision officials.

The Eurovision team is currently probing an incident reported during the rehearsals. Joost Klein, representing the Netherlands and widely regarded as a favorite to clinch the competition, was notably absent when his turn came to perform on stage during Friday's general rehearsal. Instead of Klein's performance, the event organizers proceeded with the next act without any explanation to the audience.

As reported by BT.dk, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), which organizes the contest, has stated that there will be no further rehearsals for Klein until further notice is given.

This announcement has raised numerous questions about the circumstances surrounding Klein's unexpected absence.

Attendees at the Malmö Arena, where the rehearsal was held, noted that Klein was present during the opening segment of the show. However, when it was time for his solo performance, the stage crew began to set up for Klein's act but abruptly changed course.

The equipment designated for the Dutch performance was quickly replaced by that of the next country in line, Israel, which was scheduled to perform sixth in the lineup.

The lack of communication from the organizers left the live audience and the participating delegations in the dark. The EBU later confirmed that an official update would be provided once more details became available.

In the meantime, reporters on the ground, including those from BT.dk, have reached out to the Dutch delegation and the EBU for further comments but have yet to receive any clarifications.

This mysterious no-show by a top contender adds a layer of intrigue to this year's Eurovision proceedings. The EBU's decision to withhold information temporarily has only fueled speculation and concern among Eurovision fans and participants alike.

As the investigation continues, the Eurovision community awaits answers, hoping that the favorite artist's absence is not a sign of more significant issues behind the scenes at one of the most watched music events globally.