Echoes of Ukraine: Lavrov's Statements on Moldova Alarm Global Observers

Written by Henrik Rothen

Mar.04 - 2024 8:55 AM CET

Photo: Hussein Eddeb /
Photo: Hussein Eddeb /
Lavrov's Statements on Moldova Alarm Global Observers.

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Sergey Lavrov, Russia's Foreign Minister, has made several alarming statements that have escalated concerns regarding the security situation in Europe.

Plea for Protection in Transnistria

On Wednesday, the government of Transnistria, a breakaway region in eastern Moldova, appealed for "protection" from Russia. At a special congress meeting, they requested Moscow to "take measures" to secure the region from "increased pressure from Moldova."

It wasn't long before Lavrov affirmed that protecting "our compatriots" in Transnistria is a priority.

Eerie Similarities

The minister further attacked the Moldovan government, drawing chilling parallels to the rhetoric used before the invasion of Ukraine.

"The regime that has taken root in Chisinau (the capital of Moldova, ed. note) is following in the footsteps of the Kyiv regime," Lavrov stated, according to a translation posted on X by Anton Geraschenko, a former Deputy Interior Minister of Ukraine.

"They stop everything Russian, discriminate against the Russian language at all levels, and together with Ukrainians, they are organizing serious economic pressures on Transnistria."

"We Know What This Means"

Lavrov's comments have sparked strong reactions.

"Cruel, yet not unexpected," wrote Russian historian Oleksandr Polianichev on X.

"Lavrov threatens Moldova with Ukraine's fate, calling its government the 'Chisinau regime.' We know what this means," he added.

Many users share the historian's concerns.

"We've heard this before and seen how it ends," points out the military news blogger writing under the name "Albina Fella."

Coup Warnings

As recently as February 2023, Moldova's President Maria Sandu warned that Vladimir Putin plans a coup to overthrow her country's government.

Several Western analysts have cautioned that this could be facilitated by the 1,500 soldiers still stationed in Transnistria following the war that led to the region's breakaway in the 1990s.

Since 2022, Moldova has had candidate status in the EU, with aspirations to join the union by 2030.

The Russian regime has strongly opposed neighboring countries joining organizations like the EU and NATO, which was one of the reasons Putin cited for invading Ukraine.