Election Year Begins with Decreased Support for Biden Among Crucial Voters

Written by Henrik Rothen

Jan.02 - 2024 8:15 PM CET

Photo: Shutterstock.com
Photo: Shutterstock.com
Election Year Begins with Decreased Support for Biden Among Crucial Voters.

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As the election year commences, President Joe Biden is facing a notable decline in support among key demographic groups that traditionally back the Democratic Party.

A recent USA Today/Suffolk University poll highlights an "alarming weakness" in Biden's support base, particularly among black, Hispanic, and young voters.

The poll reveals that one in five black voters is considering support for a third-party candidate in the 2024 election. This shift is significant, considering the traditionally strong backing for Democratic candidates within the black community.

Furthermore, the poll indicates that Biden is trailing behind former President Donald Trump among Hispanic and young voters, with percentages standing at 39-34 and 37-33, respectively. These groups were instrumental in Biden's victory in the 2020 election.

Steady Trump Support Among Black Voters

Trump's steady support among black voters, maintaining the same 12 percent as in 2020, suggests a consistent appeal to this demographic. The survey, which included 1,000 likely voters and was conducted via landline and cell phone, has a margin of error of ±3.1 points.

The poll also highlights a significant enthusiasm gap between Trump and Biden supporters. While 44 percent of Trump's supporters express the highest level of enthusiasm, only 18 percent of Biden's supporters share the same sentiment.

These findings underscore the challenges facing the Biden administration as it heads into a crucial election year. As of right now, bookmakers across the globe have Trump as a slight favorite over Joe Biden, while Nikki Haley doesn't trail by much