Erdogan Offers to Assist with Ukraine Negotiations to Putin

Written by Henrik Rothen

Mar.18 - 2024 8:51 PM CET

Photo: Kremlin
Photo: Kremlin
Turkey is ready to assist in possible peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia. Turkish President Erdogan conveyed this to Putin today.

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Turkey is prepared to play any role necessary to facilitate peace negotiations for the conflict in Ukraine. This initiative was proposed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during a conversation with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, according to the Turkish president's office.

"President Erdogan stated his belief that the positive course of Turkey-Russia relations will strengthen in the new period. He expressed Turkey's readiness to play any facilitating role in returning to the negotiation table for Ukraine," the statement read.

Putin had a phone call with Erdogan on the evening of March 18 (Moscow time). During this call, the Turkish leader congratulated the Russian president on his election victory, while the head of the Russian Federation congratulated Muslims on the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan. Additionally, the leaders discussed security issues in the Black Sea region and the development of multifaceted Russian-Turkish relations.

This gesture by Erdogan underscores Turkey's ongoing commitment to acting as a mediator in international conflicts and its willingness to support peace efforts in Ukraine. Turkey's strategic position and its relationships with both Russia and Ukraine make it a potentially influential player in facilitating dialogue between the two countries.

Turkey's offer to assist with negotiations comes at a critical time when the international community is seeking ways to resolve the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.