Expert: Full-Scale War Between Russia and the West Cannot Be Ruled Out

Written by Camilla Jessen

May.30 - 2024 12:58 PM CET

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
The possibility of a full-scale war between Russia and the West is growing.

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The possibility of a full-scale war between Russia and Western countries is increasing, though it is not inevitable, according to Ivan Timofeev, Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC).

Timofeev shared these concerns with the Russian news outlet TASS ahead of an international conference titled Russia and China: Cooperation in a New Era. He emphasized the growing precariousness of the situation, particularly due to ongoing tensions surrounding Ukraine.

Timofeev emphasized that the likelihood of a major conflict is increasing, primarily due to the ongoing situation in Ukraine. The Western provision of large-scale military assistance to Ukraine is a considerable factor contributing to these rising tensions.

The expert pointed out that the involvement of NATO military units in Ukraine could escalate the conflict into a direct confrontation between Russia and the West.

"A number of officials, particularly in France and the United Kingdom, have said that individual military units from NATO countries may be deployed to Ukraine," Timofeev noted.

Should these units engage in military operations against Russian forces, they would become legitimate targets, potentially triggering a broader conflict.

Timofeev expressed hope that any escalation would remain conventional and not involve nuclear weapons.

Despite the escalating rhetoric, there are varying opinions within NATO regarding the deployment of troops to Ukraine. Timofeev noted that some NATO leaders and EU politicians consider sending troops counterproductive.

The baseline scenario, according to Timofeev, involves the West continuing to support Ukraine with weapons and equipment while working to contain and isolate Russia. He predicts that these divisions will persist for decades, resulting in a prolonged period of cold, and occasionally hot, confrontation.