Families of mobilized Russian soldiers begs Putin to end conflict in Ukraine

Written by Jeppe W

Dec.19 - 2023 11:34 AM CET

Photo: Shutterstock.com
Photo: Shutterstock.com

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Families of mobilized Russian soldiers, united under the group Put’ Domoi (Way Home), have issued a strong demand to President Vladimir Putin to bring an end to the ongoing war in Ukraine, The Moscow Times reports.

This group, primarily comprising wives and mothers of the soldiers, has been vocal in their call for the return of their loved ones from extended front-line service.

The group’s recent message, shared on the messaging app Telegram, intensifies their plea, directly addressing Putin and accusing him of pushing people to their limits.

They urge the Russian leader to initiate peace negotiations, expressing a loss of hope under his leadership and challenging him to experience the front-line conditions himself.

This development follows Putin's “partial” mobilization drive announced in September 2022, which called up some 300,000 reservists to bolster troop numbers in Ukraine.

The group's frustration is palpable in a video accompanying their message on Telegram, featuring a mobilized soldier named Alexander. He expresses disappointment over Putin's failure to limit the service term for mobilized troops to one year, as per the group's previous request.

During Putin's recent “Direct Line” call-in program and press conference, where he addressed questions from journalists and citizens, there was no indication of an imminent return for these mobilized soldiers.

Put’ Domoi’s message questions Putin's resolve, accusing him of cynicism in continuing the conflict and expressing concern for the lives of young people involved.

The group's message concludes with a poignant reflection on the upcoming New Year celebrations, contrasting Putin's likely festive environment with the harsh realities faced by their mobilized family members.

This appeal from Put’ Domoi represents a growing domestic challenge for Putin, as the impact of the war increasingly touches Russian homes and families.