Injury Sidelines Biden's Security Adviser from Middle East Diplomac

Written by Camilla Jessen

Apr.04 - 2024 7:59 AM CET

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has delayed a crucial diplomatic mission to Saudi Arabia following a rib injury.

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Jake Sullivan, the National Security Adviser to President Joe Biden, has been forced to postpone a significant diplomatic visit to Saudi Arabia this week due to a rib injury, as confirmed by John Kirby, the Coordinator of Strategic Communication for the National Security Council.

This incident was reported by European Truth, citing a statement from John Kirby, the coordinator of strategic communication of the National Security Council of the White House, during a telephone briefing.

The injury, described as a cracked rib, resulted from a minor accident unrelated to any malicious act, slightly impacting Sullivan's ability to undertake international travel.

Diplomatic Missions on Hold

Sullivan's planned trip to the Middle East was highly anticipated, with scheduled discussions with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia. Among the critical agenda items was the topic of normalizing relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, a diplomatic effort that has seen delays due to the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas following an attack by the latter in October.

This postponement comes at a time of heightened diplomatic activities by the United States in the region, especially in light of recent tensions following an airstrike in Gaza that resulted in the tragic deaths of seven World Central Kitchen employees, including an American citizen. The airstrike incident, which also claimed the lives of individuals from Australia, Britain, and Poland, has drawn criticism from President Biden, further complicating the geopolitical landscape.

Despite the setback, Sullivan is eager to resume his official duties and travel plans as soon as his condition permits.

Kirby reassured that the National Security Adviser is looking forward to returning to his schedule and continuing the United States' diplomatic missions, particularly those focused on fostering peace and stability in the Middle East.