Italy prepares for possible terrorist attacks on New Year's Eve

Written by Jeppe W

Dec.26 - 2023 6:03 PM CET


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Italy is ramping up security preparations for potential terrorist attacks on New Year's Eve, as indicated by a recent circular from the country's Department of Public Security, reported by ANSA.

The heightened security concerns stem from the ongoing war in Gaza, which has increased the risk of jihadist attacks. Additionally, there are concerns about eco-activists potentially exploiting the occasion for high-impact stunts to garner media attention.

The circular also highlighted the possibility of mass sexual assault incidents, referencing similar events that took place in Piazza del Duomo in Milan two years ago.

In response, Italian authorities are implementing stringent security measures in public squares and other key locations to ensure public safety during New Year's Eve celebrations.

The context of these preparations extends beyond Italy's borders. For instance, Cologne Cathedral in Germany has been closed to tourists indefinitely due to similar terror threats.

Recent reports revealed the arrest of several individuals in Austria suspected of planning terrorist attacks on churches in Cologne, Vienna, and Madrid during Christmas services. These suspects are believed to be linked to an Islamist group.

In Germany, media outlets have reported the arrest of an individual connected to these terror plans, though official confirmation is pending. Following these developments, German police have intensified security protocols around Cologne Cathedral and other sensitive sites.

German Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser, responding to these security challenges, emphasized the resolve of Europeans not to allow terrorists to restrict their way of life. This statement reflects a broader European commitment to maintaining public safety and freedom in the face of terror threats.