Lukashenko assures: Belarus is a peace-loving nation

Written by Jakob A. Overgaard

Sep.18 - 2023 7:08 AM CET

Foto: Shutterstock
Foto: Shutterstock
Belarusian leader, Alexander Lukashenko, has firmly stated that there will be no war within the borders of Belarus under the prevailing circumstances. This declaration was made during the "We are Belarusians!" forum, an event commemorating National Unity Day.

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As reported by Ukrainska Pravda, Lukashenko, addressing his fellow countrymen, emphasized, "Addressing Belarusians today, as president and commander-in-chief, I want to assure you: we do not want to fight, and we will not fight. There will be no war on the territory of Belarus in the current conditions. Because it is impossible."

Lukashenko further highlighted the nation's resilience by drawing a parallel with the Brest Fortress, a significant Soviet World War II monument.

This fortress is renowned for the valor of Soviet soldiers who valiantly defended it against the German army during the initial phase of Operation Barbarossa.

He remarked, "If something does happen, God forbid, all of us will become the Brest Fortress: we will defend our land to the last soldier and the last Belarusian man."

In a broader context, Lukashenko reached out to neighboring countries, including Ukraine, emphasizing Belarus's peaceful nature.

He stated, "No matter what internal political events are taking place in neighbouring countries, the people, I repeat - Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Ukrainians - must understand that we are the most peace-loving nation on earth. We will not brandish our fists and threaten anyone either with nuclear weapons, or with any units, Wagnerites or otherwise."

However, it's crucial to highlight that during the onset of Russia's comprehensive invasion of Ukraine, a segment of the Russian military advanced from Belarus, which claims to be "peace-loving."

Moreover, Belarus has been implicated in multiple missile attacks on Ukraine.