Major TV Channel Makes Blunder During Royal Transition in Denmark

Written by Henrik Rothen

Jan.14 - 2024 9:19 PM CET

Photo: X
Photo: X
Major TV Channel Makes Blunder During Royal Transition in Denmark.

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Today's royal transition in Denmark has been closely watched by people all around the world. British Sky News, for example, covered the historic event of the day. However, a major gaffe occurred as Queen Margrethe signed the document confirming her abdication.

In the TV footage from Sky News (which can also be viewed at the bottom of this article), two commentators can be heard discussing what's happening in the clip from the Council of State, where the declaration is being signed.

"So it's happened. She has signed it. Who is sitting around the table?" asks one commentator, to which the other responds, "Well, the outgoing Queen signs the documents, and she hands them over to Mary, who is now Queen."

The problem is that it wasn't Mary who received the declaration; it was Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

Sky News themselves shared the clip of the mistake on the social media platform X, and many have pointed out the error to the TV channel.

"She didn't pass the papers to Queen Mary! Seriously, Sky News," one user commented on the clip.

"Please stop referring to the Danish Prime Minister as Queen Mary. You should know better!" wrote another.

A third individual described the mistake as 'embarrassing.'

You can listen to the error in the clip below: