Mysterious Skeletons Uncovered at Hitler's Wolf's Lair

Written by Camilla Jessen

May.03 - 2024 1:59 PM CET

Five human skeletons, all missing their hands and feet, were discovered at Adolf Hitler's eastern front military headquarters.

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In a chilling discovery, five human skeletons—each missing hands and feet—have been found at Adolf Hitler’s eastern front military headquarters, known as the Wolf's Lair, in present-day Poland.

The remains were located inside the villa of Luftwaffe commander Hermann Goering.

Mysterious Remains

The discovery was made by the Latebra Foundation, a group of amateur archaeologists who have been conducting excavations at the site for several years with official authorization. The find includes the bodies of three adults, a baby, and an older child.

Dominik Markiewicz, a member of the Latebra Foundation, expressed his astonishment to Reuters, noting the unexpected nature of such a find in what was once the most heavily guarded location in the Third Reich. The site later fell under Russian control after the war.

"Everyone wondered what might have happened there... We tried to think of something, but nothing reasonable comes to mind," Markiewicz said.

"Were they some occult rituals of Third Reich fanatics? We have no idea."

The exact era of the skeletons remains unclear, raising questions about whether they date back to World War II or were buried thereafter.

The bodies were found just below the surface in a section of the building that previously had a wooden floor, according to Sebastian Trapik, deputy head of education and tourism promotion at the Srokowo Forest District, the Polish government agency overseeing the site.

Daniel Brodowski, a spokesperson for the prosecutor's office in the nearby provincial capital of Olsztyn, confirmed that an investigation has been launched and forensic investigators have examined the bodies under police supervision.

Historical Significance

The Wolf’s Lair was a key military command center for Hitler during World War II and featured around 200 structures over an area of 250 hectares.

It was strategically destroyed by German forces in early 1945 to prevent capture by the advancing Soviet Red Army.

The remains of the bunkers, shelters, and barracks located in the forest of Gierloz in northeastern Poland are now a site for tourists. The villa of Hermann Goering, who was a leading figure in the Luftwaffe and Hitler’s designated successor, has largely deteriorated.

Markiewicz described the burial as "an unusual burial with strange features," noting the absence of clothing and the severed limbs.

"And there were also minors... so we don't know what happened there. And the (Wolf's Lair) complex, the house, the Herman Goering villa are very telling too," he added, hinting at the historical and potentially ominous significance of the location.