New "Axis of Evil"? Iran has agreed to buy Russian fighter jets and helicopters

Written by Jeppe W

Nov.28 - 2023 12:12 PM CET


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Iran has reportedly finalized agreements to acquire Russian Su-35 fighter jets, Mi-28 attack helicopters, and Yak-130 jet trainers.

This significant procurement was announced by Mehdi Farahi, Iran's Deputy Minister of Defense, in an interview with the Tasnim news agency.

As per the details shared by Farahi, these advanced military aircraft will be integrated into the combat units of the Iranian Armed Forces.

This development indicates a substantial upgrade to Iran's air force capabilities, which currently comprises a limited number of strike aircraft, including older Russian models and outdated American jets acquired before 1979.

Reuters, which reported on this development, highlighted the existing limitations of Iran's air force.

The significance of this deal is further underscored by the political and military dynamics in the region, particularly considering the longstanding strained relations between Iran and the United States.

In July, the U.S. State Department expressed concerns about the deepening military partnership between Russia and Iran.

More recently, there have been apprehensions from the United States regarding Iran's potential provision of modern short-range ballistic missiles to Russia for use in the conflict against Ukraine. This latest arms deal is likely to amplify concerns about the expanding military collaboration between Iran and Russia.