New Poll: Nikki Haley in Striking Distance with Single-Digit Gap in New Hampshire

Written by Henrik Rothen

Jan.09 - 2024 8:49 PM CET

Nikki Haley in Striking Distance with Single-Digit Gap in New Hampshire.

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In the ever-evolving dynamics of the New Hampshire primaries, Nikki Haley emerges as a formidable contender, significantly narrowing the lead with former President Donald Trump. A fresh poll indicates Haley trailing by a mere seven points, marking a pivotal moment in her campaign.

Poll Insights and Comparative Standings

Recent surveys paint an intriguing picture of the political landscape. The CNN/University of New Hampshire poll, conducted from January 4-8, showcases Trump leading with 39% support from Republican voters in the Granite State.

Haley, however, is not far behind at 32%. This poll underscores her strengthening position, consistently placing her within single digits of Trump.

A startling development is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis's slip to the fifth position, holding just 5% support. The poll ranks former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy at third and fourth places, respectively.

In contrast, a Suffolk University/Boston Globe/USA Today poll reveals a wider gap, with Haley 19 points behind Trump. This variation in polls highlights the fluid nature of voter preferences in the primary race.

Regional Variations and Campaign Strategies

New Hampshire's political landscape, known for its moderate and socially progressive Republican base, contrasts with Iowa's preferences. Here, DeSantis maintains a solid second place, whereas Haley is striving for ground. With the Iowa caucuses imminent, Haley's efforts are focused on diminishing this gap.

Haley's campaign gained momentum following an endorsement from New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu. At a recent rally in Waukee, Iowa, she candidly addressed the need for change in leadership, acknowledging Trump's policies but highlighting the chaos that often accompanied his presidency.

Haley's surge in New Hampshire and her strategic moves in Iowa signal a potential shake-up in the Republican primary race.

Are you going for Trump, Haley or none of them?