News channel studio transformed into a battleground: Politicians starts fighting on live tv

Written by Jakob A. Overgaard

Oct.01 - 2023 8:52 AM CET

News channel studio transformed into a battleground: Politicians starts fighting on live tv

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A live debate on a Pakistani news channel unexpectedly escalated into a physical altercation between two political leaders, captivating social media users as the footage went viral.

The studio of the news channel transformed into a battleground when a leader from the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and a figure associated with the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) engaged in a fistfight during the live broadcast.

The clash between Sher Afzal Khan Marwat, a lawyer for PTI's Imran Khan, and PML-N Senator Afnan Ullah Khan, ensued following a tense verbal exchange over political matters on the ‘Kal Tak’ show. The show, hosted by renowned Pakistani TV host Javed Chaudhary on Express TV, witnessed the leaders hurling insults at each other, with each calling the other’s senior leaders “bootlickers”.

You can watch the video below:

The situation deteriorated further when the politicians began dragging each other's families into their argument. In the video, Marwat is seen suddenly standing up and striking Khan on the head.

In retaliation, Khan rises, pins Marwat to the ground, and proceeds to kick and slap him, all while the camera rolls. Crew members eventually intervened to separate the brawling politicians.

Following the on-air scuffle, Senator Afnan Ullah Khan took to social media to share his perspective on the incident. He asserted his belief in non-violence, identifying himself as “Nawaz Sharif's soldier”. He stated that Marwat attacked him.

In response, PTI’s Marwat criticized Express TV and host Javed Chaudhary. He challenged them to release the full recording of the discussion that preceded the fight, accusing them of withholding parts of the conversation from the public.

Marwat argued that releasing the entire clip would clarify the events leading up to the physical altercation, including the reason he slapped Khan.