Orbán Claims Europe Preparing for War Against Russia

Written by Henrik Rothen

May.24 - 2024 6:25 PM CET

Photo: lev radin / Shutterstock.com
Photo: lev radin / Shutterstock.com
Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán warns that Europe is gearing up for war against Russia, stirring controversy across the continent.

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Europe is gearing up for a war against Russia, according to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

This bold assertion, reported by the state-controlled Russian news agency Ria Novosti, has stirred up controversy across the continent.

Orbán’s Bold Statement

Citing statements from Western politicians and journalists, Orbán argues that Europe is on the brink of entering the conflict.

"Before the two world wars, the media spent a considerable amount of time preparing for entry into the war. I believe that is what is happening today," he says.

He further asserts, "We can safely say that Europe is preparing to go into the war."

Contradicting Western Leaders

While Orbán insists that the West is moving towards conflict, he also maintains that Russia will not attack any NATO country.

According to Orbán, the talk of a "Russian threat" is a Western maneuver as part of war preparations. This stance sharply contrasts with other Western leaders who believe that Russia will expand its offensive if it succeeds in Ukraine.

Polish President Andrzej Duda has warned that Russia plans to attack NATO by 2026 or 2027 if it achieves its goals in Ukraine.

In an interview with CNBC, Duda referred to German intelligence indicating that Russian President Vladimir Putin is ramping up efforts towards a wartime economy aimed at attacking NATO.

A Divisive Ally in the EU

Orbán is often described as Putin’s "best friend in the EU."

Under his leadership, Hungary has repeatedly criticized and opposed Western arms deliveries to Ukraine and sanctions against Russia.

Orbán has prioritized strengthening ties with Russia and China, sometimes at the expense of Hungary’s relationship with the EU.

In April 2023, Hungary signed a new gas deal with Russia. More recently, in February 2024, Hungary announced plans to deepen its security cooperation with China, signaling a significant shift in its foreign policy priorities.