Poland Criticizes US: Fulfill Your Promises to Ukraine

Written by Camilla Jessen

Apr.12 - 2024 9:32 AM CET

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Poland's Foreign Minister calls for urgent action.

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The Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Radosław Sikorski, has openly criticized the U.S. Congress for delaying critical aid to Ukraine, emphasizing the growing urgency as Ukraine's supply of anti-aircraft missiles dwindles and civilian infrastructure is increasingly targeted by Russian attacks.

This criticism came during his statement on CNN on April 11, as reported by Euorpean Truth, coinciding with a significant escalation in Russian military actions against Ukraine, including the complete destruction of the Trypil Thermal Power Plant.

Urgent Need for U.S. Assistance

Sikorski pointed out the severe consequences of the U.S. inaction, noting the destruction of civilian infrastructure by Russian forces, which he labeled as war crimes.

"Now we can see what its absence leads to. Ukrainian thermal power plants are destroyed one after another. Soon Ukrainian cities may be left without electricity. And I expect that this may mean a large wave of refugees," Sikorski warned.

During President Joe Biden's visit to Kyiv before the first anniversary of the full-scale invasion, he reassured Ukraine of U.S. support.

The proposed U.S. funding to assist Ukraine has been stalled in Congress since August 2023.

A Call for Action

"I call on Speaker Johnson again: let democracy make a decision... The question must be put to a vote so that funds and the necessary weapons can be supplied to Ukraine. If this does not happen, Russia will cause new destruction, and trust in the United States will be in question," Sikorski stressed.

Sikorski also referenced the financial efforts made by the European Union and its member states, which, he claimed, have collectively spent twice as much as the U.S. on aid to Ukraine.

He pointed out that while the EU is often criticized by U.S. officials for not contributing enough to NATO's collective security, in this instance, Europe has stepped up significantly.

"This time we did what was the right thing to do, and now it is necessary for the US to do what the US president promised," Sikorski concluded.

European Solidarity and Support

Polish President Andrzej Duda revealed that Poland would consider transferring missiles from Soviet-era air defense systems to Ukraine.

The leaders of the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, and Denmark also recently discussed providing Ukraine with additional air defense equipment.