Putin Presents Kim Jong Un with Luxury Aurus Vehicle

Written by Henrik Rothen

Feb.20 - 2024 2:07 PM CET

Photo: Wiki Commons
Photo: Wiki Commons
Putin Presents Kim Jong Un with Luxury Aurus Vehicle

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Russian President Vladimir Putin has gifted North Korean leader Kim Jong Un a luxury vehicle made in Russia, as reported by Pyongyang's state media.

The luxury limousine, an Aurus, was handed over to Mr. Kim's senior aides this past Sunday. Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, later affirmed the present, noting the Aurus is a luxury sedan also utilized by Putin according to TASS.

This gesture comes amidst the strengthening of ties between Russia and North Korea, both of which find themselves internationally marginalized following Russia's military actions in Ukraine.

It's speculated that North Korea has been providing Russia with military support, including artillery, rockets, and ballistic missiles, despite international sanctions against both nations. Both countries have refuted any claims of sanction violations.

The bond between the two leaders was evident during Mr. Kim's visit to the Vostochny Cosmodrome in Russia's Far East last September, marking his first international trip in four years.

During the visit, Mr. Kim had the opportunity to inspect and even sit in Mr. Putin's own Aurus Senat limousine. The exchange of guns as gifts further highlighted their camaraderie.

Kim Jong Un, known for his fascination with luxury automobiles, reportedly maintains a collection of high-end foreign cars. Kim's sister, Yo Jong, emphasized that the luxury vehicle gift underscores the "special personal relations" between the two countries' leaders, as quoted by North Korea's state news agency, KCNA.

However, South Korea's Foreign Ministry has criticized the gift, stating it violates UN Security Council sanctions against North Korea. These sanctions specifically ban the supply of luxury vehicles, among other items, to the country.