Putin Sets 2030 Deadline for Full Integration of Occupied Ukrainian Territories into Russia

Written by Henrik Rothen

Feb.02 - 2024 7:39 AM CET

Foto: Screenshot
Foto: Screenshot
Putin Sets 2030 Deadline for Full Integration of Occupied Ukrainian Territories into Russia.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared a deadline of 2030 for the complete integration of Ukrainian territories currently under Russian occupation into the Russian Federation. This ambitious timeline targets the eastern Donbas region, parts of Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, and Mykolaiv oblasts, territories which have seen varying degrees of Russian control since the illegal annexation of Crimea and the escalation of conflict in 2014, culminating in a full-scale invasion in February 2022.

During a speech on January 31, Putin outlined his vision for these territories to achieve "the all-Russia level" in "key areas" within the next six years, emphasizing a positive trajectory in socio-economic development. He confidently addressed Russian financial institutions, encouraging them to actively engage in these regions despite potential Western sanctions.

This move comes amid reports of Turkish banks severing ties with Russian businesses to avoid repercussions from U.S. sanctions, which were further strengthened by President Joe Biden's executive order on December 22, 2023. The order specifically targets foreign financial institutions aiding Russia's war efforts.

Analysts, including those from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), interpret Putin's statements as a clear indication of Russia's long-term military commitment in Ukraine, with no plans for territorial concessions. This stance appears to contradict earlier reports from Bloomberg on January 26, suggesting Putin's openness to peace talks and a conditional acceptance of Ukraine's NATO membership in exchange for control over the occupied regions.

Ukraine insists on the complete withdrawal of Russian forces from its territory as a prerequisite for any peace discussions. Both Ukrainian and Western officials remain skeptical of Russia's sincerity in seeking a peaceful resolution, highlighting the complex geopolitical standoff that continues to unfold.

As the conflict persists, the international community watches closely, weighing the implications of Putin's 2030 integration goal against the backdrop of ongoing military engagements and diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis.