Russia Deploys Chechen Special Forces to Belgorod for Strategic Buffer Zone

Written by Henrik Rothen

Jun.03 - 2024 11:01 AM CET

Chechen special forces bolster Russian efforts to create a buffer zone in Belgorod.

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Chechen special forces have been dispatched to the Russian region of Belgorod to aid Russian soldiers in establishing a "buffer zone," Russian state media reported on Tuesday.

This move follows previous claims of significant Russian advances towards Kharkiv, which were halted by Ukrainian forces after receiving ammunition from allies.

Chechen "Ahmat" Troops Enter Key Combat Zones

The feared Chechen unit "Ahmat" has been sent to what is deemed "the most important area" of the so-called special operation towards Kharkiv, according to a leader of the military group.

In recent weeks, Russian forces have been attempting to break through the frontline in the border region with Ukraine, aiming to encircle Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city.

As part of this offensive, Russian troops have nearly obliterated a town located just kilometers from the Russian border.

Despite initial Russian successes, Ukrainian forces managed to regroup and slow down their advance.

Russian Focus on Liptsy and Vovchansk

The main targets of the Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region are the towns of Liptsy and Vovchansk. Both remain under Ukrainian control, although most of the buildings have been devastated by Russian attacks.

In Vovchansk, intense street fighting is ongoing in a city that once housed over 10,000 residents. The swift initial success of the Russian forces had led to accusations of high-level betrayal within the Ukrainian command.

Denis Yaroslavsky, commander of a special reconnaissance unit in the Ukrainian army, expressed his anger over these events.

Ukrainian Forces Brace for Renewed Defense

Yaroslavsky and his troops were instrumental in the surprise offensive during the fall of 2022 that expelled Russian forces from nearly the entire Kharkiv region.

Now, they may face the task of repelling another Russian invasion near the Ukrainian-Russian border in Kharkiv.

After Ukrainian forces received Western-supplied ammunition, they managed to halt the Russian advance.

The deployment of Kadyrov’s troops seems intended to solidify the positions already captured by Russian forces and prevent a Ukrainian counteroffensive.

Strengthening Russian Lines and Countering Ukrainian Moves

With the introduction of Chechen special forces, Russia appears to be fortifying its hold on newly acquired territories and is preparing to counter potential Ukrainian retaliations.

The arrival of these seasoned fighters could indicate Russia's intent to maintain pressure on Ukrainian defenses and sustain its strategic aims in the region.

In the coming weeks, the dynamics on the ground will reveal the effectiveness of these reinforcements and whether Ukrainian forces can leverage their Western support to reclaim control over contested areas.