Russia in another major blunder - Can you spot the 'Mistake' in the photo?

Written by Henrik Rothen

Sep.27 - 2023 2:55 PM CET

Photo: Private
Photo: Private
Can you spot the 'Mistake' in the photo?

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In Bashkiria, the administration of the Yanayulsky district has found itself embroiled in a scandal involving the death of a member of the Special Operations Forces (SVO), Arthur Sultangaliev.

According to the administration's social media post on September 25, 2023, Sultangaliev was wounded in January 2023 and later died in the hospital from a severe illness.

However, another post from the administration dated July 18 of the same year has raised eyebrows.

The photoshop incident

The July post shows Sultangaliev allegedly receiving a medal from the hands of the military commissar of the city of Yanayul, Kaltasinsky, and Yanayulsky districts, Marat Kharisov.

Many people quickly noticed something odd about the photo. A closer look reveals that the soldier was artificially added to the photo using Photoshop. When questioned about the poor Photoshop job in the comments, a representative of the district administration responded, "There were some reasons we had to do this."

Take a Close Look at the Photo Below—Can You Spot the Photoshop Fail?

Public outrage

Many social media users were outraged by this act, arguing that soldiers should be honored before they are injured or killed.

Some even considered this Photoshop manipulation as a publicity stunt by the military commissar, as he allegedly needed to "trade faces" with the now-deceased Sultangaliev.

The Telegram channel "Insider Bashkortostan" labeled this as "publicity on blood."