Russian general with shocking statement: Ukraine is a mere 'stepping stone' to invade Europe

Written by Jakob A. Overgaard

Sep.10 - 2023 9:37 PM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
In a recent development, a prominent Russian general, who was recently promoted by President Vladimir Putin, has made a startling revelation. He suggests that Russia's current military actions in Ukraine are merely a precursor to a more extensive conflict in Europe.

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As reported by Hindustan Times, Andrey Mordvichev, who was elevated to the rank of Colonel-General by Putin, has been overseeing operations in the central military district and the Russian central grouping of forces in Ukraine.

In a candid interview with the state-run Russia-1 channel, Mordvichev expressed his belief that the ongoing war initiated by Putin would not only persist but also expand in scope. When probed about the duration of the conflict, he remarked, "I think there's still plenty of time to spend. It is pointless to talk about a specified period. If we are talking about Eastern Europe, which we will have to, of course then it will be longer."

The interviewer, seeking clarity, posed a direct question, "So, Ukraine is merely a stepping stone?" To this, Mordvichev responded affirmatively, emphasizing that this was just the beginning and the conflict would not halt at Ukraine's borders.

This revelation is particularly alarming, given that some of Putin's close associates have previously hinted at the possibility of the Kremlin's military expansion into NATO-affiliated countries. This list includes nations like Poland and other Eastern European countries. Such statements and intentions have raised concerns about the broader implications for European security and stability.

Meanwhile, Ukraine's President, Volodymyr Zelensky, remains steadfast in his stance. He recently dismissed the idea that Ukraine would have to relinquish any of its territories to Russia as a means to conclude the war. In a conversation with CNN, Zelensky rhetorically questioned Putin's willingness to compromise on other matters. This was in reference to Russia's annexation of four Ukrainian regions - Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk, Luhansk, and Kherson - a year prior.