Russian politician's adoption of Ukrainian orphan sparks war crime allegations

Written by Jeppe W

Nov.23 - 2023 10:42 AM CET


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Sergei Mironov, the head of Russia's A Just Russia party, is facing intense scrutiny over his adoption of a 10-month-old Ukrainian girl from the occupied Kherson region.

This controversial adoption, detailed in reports by "Important Stories," has sparked a debate over the legal and ethical implications under international law.

In August 2022, Inna Varlamova, Mironov's fifth wife, along with his deputy Yana Lantratova, visited the Kherson region, then under Russian occupation. They returned with two children from a local orphanage, including Margarita Prokopenko, who was 10 months old at the time.

In December 2022, Mironov and Varlamova officially adopted Margarita, changing her name to Marina Sergeevna Mironova. The couple also altered her recorded place of birth, replacing the Ukrainian Kherson with Podolsk near Moscow.

This alteration of Margarita's identity, including her name and place of birth, has raised concerns about the erasure of her Ukrainian heritage.

According to available information, Margarita's biological mother was deprived of her parental rights, and her father had died. However, she still has other relatives, whose rights and opinions in this matter remain unclear.

The situation of the second child, two-year-old Ilya Vashchenko, is not fully known. Reports indicate that he received a new birth certificate a year after the deportation, suggesting he is also in the Moscow region.

This case is particularly significant as it is the first documented instance of a child being adopted from Ukraine by a Russian politician of Mironov's stature.

Legal experts and international law specialists have suggested that such actions could qualify as war crimes and even be considered acts of genocide, as they involve the forced adoption and identity change of a child from an occupied region.

The international community has long held that children's rights in conflict zones must be protected, including their right to maintain their cultural and national identity.

The forced adoption and identity alteration of Margarita have therefore drawn widespread condemnation, highlighting the need for adherence to international human rights standards, especially in times of conflict.

As the situation develops, this case serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities and tragedies that often unfold in conflict zones, particularly concerning the rights and welfare of children.