Survey: 80% of Ukrainians See Poland as Friendly, but the Number is Dropping

Written by Camilla Jessen

Feb.22 - 2024 9:30 AM CET

Photo: Wiola Wiaderek /
Photo: Wiola Wiaderek /
A recent survey reveals that while nearly 80% of Ukrainians consider Poland a friendly nation, there's a significant decline in this perception compared to six months ago.

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Nearly 80% of Ukrainians still view Poland as a friendly nation, but fewer people now see it as "unequivocally friendly" compared to six months ago. 

"European Truth" reported on a survey by the "Rating" group from February 10-11 that showed this change.

While 79% have a positive view of Poland, this number has dropped from 94% last year.

Even more, the number of Ukrainians who consider Poland "unequivocally friendly" has fallen from 79% to 33%.

It's important to mention that the survey barely touched on the recent tensions at the Ukrainian-Polish border, sparked by farmers' protests. Notably, an incident involving Ukrainian grain occurred on February 11, the survey's second day, but only made headlines by day's end.

The survey gathered opinions from 1,000 adults across Ukraine, ensuring a representative mix by age, gender, and location. Conducted via phone using a random sample of mobile numbers, the survey's margin of error is stated to be no more than 3.1%.

In related news, Poles named Biden and Zelensky as foreign politicians of the year, reflecting the presidents of the USA and Ukraine's high standing in a November poll on Ukrainians' trust in international leaders.