Trump's niece predicts 'end of democracy' in second Trump presidency

Written by Jeppe W

Dec.11 - 2023 7:40 AM CET


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Mary Trump, the estranged niece of former President Donald Trump, has issued a stark warning regarding the potential consequences of her uncle winning a second term in office.

In a recent interview with CNN, she described the scenario as "absolutely disastrous" for American democracy and global liberal democracies.

According to recent polls, including one conducted by The New York Times and Siena College, Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in five out of six key swing states.

Despite facing a series of indictments at both the state and federal levels, Trump has maintained his innocence and continues to enjoy significant support.

Mary Trump, known for her vocal criticism of her uncle, expressed grave concerns about the future of democracy in America under a second Trump administration.

She stated that America would become a leading autocratic nation, thereby encouraging similar tendencies in countries like North Korea, China, Hungary, and Turkey.

She emphasized the dangers of Donald Trump gaining another term in office, not just for the United States but also for the Western alliance and the global order of liberal democracies.

Her concerns are compounded by Trump's rhetoric, which she claims resonates with his base and reflects his disregard for other human beings.

Mary Trump's warnings align with the sentiments of notable former Trump aides who have also spoken out against the possibility of his re-election.

This includes John Kelly, Trump's former chief of staff, who expressed disbelief at the support Trump continues to garner despite his legal challenges and controversial statements.

In response to these criticisms, Trump spokesman Steven Cheung accused the media and former associates of exploiting their connections to Trump for personal gain, calling them "disgusting" and suggesting that they are harming the country.

The warning from Mary Trump adds to the growing chorus of voices raising concerns about the implications of a potential second term for Donald Trump, with the stakes deemed too high and the consequences too devastating.