Ukraine's ongoing struggle with corruption: Only a quarter of the way through, EU states.

Written by Jeppe W

Dec.11 - 2023 2:21 PM CET


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The European Union, in a recent teleconference titled "Fighting Corruption: Ukraine's Path to the EU," highlighted that Ukraine, as a candidate for EU membership, still has a long way to go in its fight against corruption.

Despite having established institutions to combat corruption, Ukraine is considered to be only at the initial stages of this journey.

Representatives from the European Commission and the EU External Action Service acknowledged Ukraine's efforts in creating anti-corruption structures.

However, they emphasized that the demands of Ukrainian society for more progress indicate that the country is far from completing its task.

Asier Santillão Luzuriaga, Head of the Rule of Law Unit at the EU Delegation to Ukraine, used a marathon analogy to describe Ukraine's journey toward EU integration and the fight against corruption.

He likened the process to a 42-kilometer marathon, suggesting that Ukraine is only about 10 kilometers in. This analogy aims to convey the extensive and long-term nature of the efforts required.

Preparatory Work and Future Pace

Luzuriaga commended Ukraine's qualitative preparatory work, equating it to training for a marathon. This groundwork is seen as crucial for accelerating future progress. He stressed the importance of thinking ahead and working consistently toward the end goal.

Wolfgang Nosar from the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) participated via teleconference and reinforced that the responsibility for concrete actions lies with Kyiv. While the EU can provide advice and support, the real work must be carried out by Ukraine itself.

The EU's message to Ukraine is clear: the fight against corruption is a long and ongoing process, requiring sustained effort and commitment.

The EU's support is available, but the primary responsibility for progress lies with Ukraine. As a candidate for EU accession, Ukraine must continue to work diligently on its anti-corruption measures to fulfill the criteria for membership.