Ukrainian military in strategic triumph over Russian forces

Written by Jeppe W

Nov.07 - 2023 8:02 AM CET


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In a significant development in the ongoing conflict, the Ukrainian military has made notable gains in the Kherson region, as reported by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

This expansion, a critical move in the chessboard of war, comes as Ukrainian forces have taken control of positions north of Pidstepne, located merely 17 kilometers east of Kherson.

The situation in the region is a complex tapestry of maneuvers and counteractions. Ukrainian troops have not only strengthened their hold in the Kherson region but are also actively conducting counteroffensive actions near Bakhmut and in the western areas of Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

These movements indicate a robust and multi-faceted strategy aimed at regaining territories and pushing back against the adversary.

Contrasting perspectives emerge from Russian military bloggers, who claim that as of November 6, Ukrainian forces have managed to maintain their positions on the eastern bank of the Kherson Oblast.

This steadfastness comes despite Russian efforts to dislodge them, particularly in Krynky, which lies about 30 kilometers east of Kherson and approximately 2 kilometers from the Dnipro River coastline. The resilience of Ukrainian forces in this area is a testament to their strategic acumen and determination.

Adding to the complexity of the battlefield, the Russian 177th Marine Regiment, part of the Caspian Flotilla, is reportedly shelling Ukrainian positions on the western bank of the Kherson Oblast. These actions point to a continued escalation in the region, with both sides engaging in intense military activities.

The General Staff of Ukraine has reported that their forces are not just defending but also continuing offensive operations in the Bakhmut and Melitopol directions, in the western region of Zaporizhzhia. This offensive stance is further highlighted by the Ukrainian forces' recent counterattack near Krasnohorivka, northwest of Avdiivka, between November 3 and 5. This bold maneuver forced Russian forces to retreat from part of the railway track in the area, showcasing the dynamic and fluid nature of the conflict.

Moreover, the Russian armed formation "Russian Legion" (BARS-13) has claimed that Ukrainian forces are exerting substantial pressure on Russian positions near Stepove and the Tsarskaya Okhota restaurant south of Avdiivka. This pressure further accentuates the Ukrainian military's strategic initiative and its ability to challenge Russian forces effectively.

In conclusion, the recent developments in the Kherson region signify a pivotal moment in the conflict. The Ukrainian military's ability to expand control, conduct counteroffensives, and exert pressure on Russian forces underscores a significant shift in the dynamics of the war. As the situation continues to evolve, the resilience and strategic maneuvers of the Ukrainian forces remain central to the unfolding narrative in the region.