US and Russia called for ceasefire: Now it's happening

Written by Henrik Rothen

Sep.20 - 2023 12:23 PM CET

Photo: Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan
Photo: Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan
Now it's happening.

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One day after Azerbaijan initiated military operations in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, a ceasefire has reportedly been agreed upon.

According to Armenian news agency Armenpress, authorities of the internationally unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) in the South Caucasus have accepted a proposal for a ceasefire from the Russian side.

Russia, traditionally seen as Armenia's protector, has its own troops stationed in the conflict region. However, Moscow's focus has primarily shifted to its own war efforts against Ukraine.

Observers had already feared that Azerbaijan might take advantage of this unstable situation for military action.

Ongoing Struggle

Nagorno-Karabakh, although located within Azerbaijani territory, is predominantly inhabited by Armenians. The two former Soviet countries have been fighting over the region for decades.

The ceasefire that followed the last war in 2020, in which Azerbaijan, bolstered by gas and oil revenues, had already captured large parts of Karabakh, has been repeatedly violated.

The humanitarian situation in Nagorno-Karabakh had already been dire before the latest shelling, as Azerbaijan had been blocking Armenia's only access to the exclave, known as the Lachin Corridor.