Yemen's Houthis Reject US Peace Initiatives

Written by Camilla Jessen

May.01 - 2024 11:24 AM CET

Photo: Akramalrasny /
Photo: Akramalrasny /
The Houthis are awaiting a response from the US and UK regarding their refusal to cease attacks in the Red Sea.

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Yemen's Houthi rebels are bracing for potential retaliatory actions from the United States and the United Kingdom after rejecting Washington's proposal designed to halt their attacks in the Red Sea.

This development follows a report by The National, a UAE-based newspaper, which cited political sources indicating the Houthis' refusal of the American peace overtures.

Rejection of Diplomatic Efforts

On Wednesday, Houthi officials stated their anticipation of a response from both the UK and the US, following their dismissal of the initiatives that sought an end to hostilities in the strategic maritime corridor. These peace efforts included proposals to accelerate the peace process in Yemen and to lift blockades on critical Yemeni ports like Sanaa Airport and Hodeidah port.

In light of the escalating tensions, the Houthi leadership has urged for unity within their controlled territories in Yemen, emphasizing the importance of solidarity in face of the external pressures from the United States and Britain.

“The consequences of any escalation of the situation will extend beyond the borders of Yemen,” the rebels said in a statement.

The backdrop to these developments includes continuous skirmishes and strategic maneuvers in the Red Sea, significant for its global shipping lanes.

Following an attack by Hamas on Israel in October 2023, the Houthis intensified their maritime assaults, targeting both US and international vessels. Despite a brief period of reduced activity, the past week saw a resurgence in attacks by the Houthis, underlining the volatile situation.