Young Reporter Left Speechless by Lavrov's Response to 'Provocative' Question

Written by Henrik Rothen

Dec.28 - 2023 8:29 AM CET

Young Reporter Left Speechless by Lavrov's Response to 'Provocative' Question.

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A foreign journalist attempted to corner Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov with a tricky question and quickly regretted his action, as reported by Chinese journalists.

A few days ago, Sergey Lavrov found himself at the center of global attention. The minister stated that Russia currently has no territorial disputes, even with Japan. Chinese political commentators noted that with this statement, Lavrov once again mocked Japan, which continues to claim the Kuril Islands. This information was provided by the publication NetEase, according to AB News.

The journalist asked Lavrov how he could sleep peacefully, considering everything happening in the world and Russia's role in these events? The media representative thought this question would stump Lavrov, causing the Russian diplomat to become angry and behave undiplomatically. but that wasn't the case.

"Lavrov looked intently at the reporter, as if trying to see through him," noted the NetEase observers.

The Russian minister, without taking his eyes off the journalist, stated that the question contained double standards. Lavrov then asked the journalist what emotions he felt when reading his colleagues' notes about events in Iraq and Libya? Did they write the truth about what was happening there? In China, it was noted that the journalist was quite young and therefore might only know about those events from press publications.

"The way you ask questions, it's as if you're participating in a talk show. I understand you. You need to report back to the editorial office and make a report. But I must also remind you that even when you receive certain instructions, you can still act according to your conscience," Lavrov responded

According to the Chinese publication the young reporter was left speechless.