Zaluzhnyi’s bold ask: 17 million shells and $400 billion for Ukraine's liberation

Written by Jeppe W

Dec.04 - 2023 12:16 PM CET

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In a recent article by Ukrainska Pravda, it was reported that during the visit of U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to Kyiv, Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Valerii Zaluzhnyi expressed significant military needs and concerns about political interference.

During the meeting, Zaluzhnyi communicated to Austin that Ukraine requires an immense number of resources to achieve the goal set by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of liberating the entire territory of Ukraine.

The General Staff's calculations estimate that this endeavor would require forces and means worth approximately 350-400 billion dollars.

A particularly striking request made by Zaluzhnyi was for 17 million shells, a number that reportedly surprised Austin due to its enormity, as it exceeds the total number of shells available globally.

Furthermore, Zaluzhnyi voiced concerns about interference from the President's Office. According to sources, he expressed frustration about the way he was being impeded in his role, indicating a lack of trust and cooperation between the military and the presidential administration.

This revelation suggests internal tensions and challenges in the coordination between Ukraine’s political leadership and its military command.

The article also highlights that within President Zelenskyy's circle, there is an awareness that dismissing Zaluzhnyi could inadvertently boost his political career. As a result, a significant portion of Zelenskyy's team is reportedly against the resignation of the current commander-in-chief, indicating a complex political dynamic at play.

This report sheds light on the intricate relationship between Ukraine's military needs, political maneuvering, and the challenges of coordinating a robust response in the face of ongoing conflict and national security concerns.