17 Police Officers Investigated for Corruption: Allegedly Accepted Bribes in the Form of Currywurst

Written by Henrik Rothen

Jan.25 - 2024 12:25 PM CET

Photo: Shutterstock.com
Photo: Shutterstock.com
17 Police Officers Investigated for Corruption.

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17 German police officers are reportedly being investigated for corruption after allegedly accepting bribes in the form of sausages, according to the newspaper Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung.

The officers are suspected of indulging in currywurst at a Hamburg restaurant for free over a ten-month period. The total value of the food is estimated to be around 2,000 Euros ($2.178).

Seeking Positive Reviews

The prosecutor's office suggests that a lecturer, employed by a public agency, paid for these sausage feasts. The police officers under investigation had attended courses conducted by this individual.

Oliver Eisenhauer, a spokesperson for the Hannover public prosecutor's office, told the German newspaper Bild:

"A lecturer from a state company is alleged to have invited the police officers to eat currywurst at a well-known restaurant after their courses were completed. We suspect that the individual hoped for positive reviews of his lectures."

Obliged to Investigate Eisenhauer noted that the prosecutor's office has no choice but to investigate both the numerous police officers and the lecturer.

"We are obligated to examine this matter," he stated.