5 Examples: Up to 52% Unable to Solve These Math Problems Upon Leaving Primary School

Written by Henrik Rothen

Dec.13 - 2023 11:56 AM CET

Photo: Shutterstock.com
Photo: Shutterstock.com
Up to 52% Unable to Solve These Math Problems Upon Leaving Primary School.

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The latest PISA survey has revealed a worrying trend among young school students, particularly in Denmark, where they are beginning to perform worse, especially in mathematics.

This decline in proficiency is a growing concern for educators and policymakers.

According to the survey, a significant number of students are struggling with basic arithmetic. The report from Pensionist highlights that 20-30% of students are unable to solve elementary math problems. This issue becomes even more pronounced when elements like fractions are involved, with the difficulty rate jumping to between 30 and 60%.

Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR) has identified five examples of math problems that a large number of school students found challenging. These examples reflect the struggles students face in grasping fundamental mathematical concepts.

  1. 0.7 - 1 = ? (47% could not answer correctly in 2017)

  2. 4509 / 9 = ? (29% could not answer correctly in 2016)

  3. 801 - 499 = ? (29% could not answer correctly in 2018)

  4. 1/8 + ? = 3/4 (52% could not answer correctly in 2018)

  5. 7 x 508 = ? (36% could not answer correctly in 2023)

The correct answers to these problems are as follows:

  1. -0.3

  2. 501

  3. 302

  4. 5/8

  5. 3556

Were you able to solve all five of them?