Bomb Threat Forces Police to Clear Headquarters

Written by Camilla Jessen

Jun.10 - 2024 11:08 AM CET

Photo: Lapovac /
Photo: Lapovac /
Bomb threat targets police HQ

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A bomb threat disrupted Linz city center on Wednesday, prompting the evacuation of a school and the police headquarters.

Austrian authorities have since identified and detained the suspect.

Evacuation and Search

The Austrian city of Linz faced a bomb threat on May 22nd, forcing the evacuation of its police headquarters.

The incident began at 11:20 a.m. when a male caller threatened, "a bomb will go off in five minutes," police spokesperson David Furtner told Kurier.

The threat led to the immediate evacuation of the entire high-rise building, which houses the city police command, the State Criminal Police Office, and the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the Fight Against Terrorism.

The evacuation was conducted without any issues, as confirmed by initial police reports. Special forces were deployed to search the premises.

Despite the caller's deadline passing without incident, the police treated the situation with utmost seriousness.

This event mirrored a similar threat at the Academic Gymnasium the previous week, where no bomb was found either.

The search for the bomb threat maker at the Akademisches Gymnasium is still ongoing. According to the police, it is not yet possible to determine whether there is one perpetrator or multiple perpetrators.

Suspect Identified and Arrested

Investigations led to the identification of the suspect, a Swiss national known to police and undergoing psychiatric treatment.

The suspect is now being interrogated.

According to the police, the suspect had made similar threats to ten other locations across Europe on the same day.