Bono Honors Navalny: "Putin Would Never, Ever Say His Name"

Written by Camilla Jessen

Feb.19 - 2024 10:01 AM CET

Photo: Debby Wong /
Photo: Debby Wong /
Bono dedicated a segment to the memory of Alexei Navalny during Las Vegas concert.

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During a poignant moment in their Las Vegas concert, Bono, the frontman of U2, dedicated a segment to the memory of Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader whose death in custody has raised numerous questions.

Bono's gesture not only paid homage to Navalny but also highlighted the broader struggle for freedom in Eastern Europe.

"Next week marks two years since Putin's invasion of Ukraine," the lead singer stated during the concert.

"For these people, freedom is not just a word in a song; for them, it's the most important word in the world. So important that Ukrainians are fighting and dying for it. So important that Alexei Navalny decided to sacrifice everything for it," Bono said, amid applause.

He added, "Putin would never, ever say his name."

Therefore, Bono encouraged his audience to vocalize Navalny's name.

"I thought tonight, as people who believe in freedom, we have to say his name. Not only to remember him but to say: Alexei Navalny, Alexei Navalny!"