Elite Boarding School Under Fire for Students' Right-Wing Extremist Slogans

Written by Camilla Jessen

May.27 - 2024 1:58 PM CET

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
An elite boarding school is facing scrutiny after students were reported to have sung right-wing extremist slogans.

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Students at the prestigious Louisenlund boarding school in Germany have been accused of singing right-wing extremist slogans during a student party.

The incident involved the misuse of Gigi D'Agostino's song "L'amour toujours" and was confirmed by the state ministry for education to the German news outlet Der Spiegel.

The controversy follows a viral video from the "Pony" bar on Sylt, where partygoers were seen chanting right-wing extremist slogans to the same song. According to Der Spiegel, a similar incident occurred at Louisenlund last Thursday.

The Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture of Schleswig-Holstein stated on Monday that underage students at the party sang "Foreigners out. Germany for the Germans" when "L'amour toujours" was played.

Teachers immediately intervened, breaking up the party and sending all students to their rooms, the ministry reported.

Foundation Director Announces Investigation

The school has pledged to address the incident with educational measures.

In a letter to parents, teachers, and students, seen by the news reporters, Peter Rösner, head of the Louisenlund Foundation, announced plans to discuss possible reactions and sanctions.

"We are handling this with the necessary pedagogical thoroughness, within the safe environment of our boarding school," Rösner wrote.

The Ministry of Education noted that Louisenlund is recognized for its strong democratic culture, where students from various nations coexist. The ministry is confident that the incident will be addressed appropriately.

"All students must understand that singing such slogans is not a joke," said Schleswig-Holstein's Education Minister Karin Prien (CDU). She emphasized that youthful exuberance or alcohol are no excuses for xenophobic chants and expressed concern about potential imitations.

"Young people have always consciously broken social taboos. It is therefore a task for all of us to talk to young people and make clear to them the significance of such chants," Prien said.

With annual fees of around 50,000 euros, Louisenlund is one of Germany's most exclusive private schools, educating approximately 290 boarding students in an elite setting.