Greta Thunberg Arrested Again in Climate Protest Crusade

Written by Henrik Rothen

Apr.06 - 2024 8:38 PM CET

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Just weeks after her last confrontation with the law, Greta Thunberg finds herself in police custody once more, this time in The Hague, championing the fight against fossil fuel subsidies.

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Less than a month has passed since climate crusader Greta Thunberg found herself in the clutches of the law for refusing to back down at a protest.

Fast forward to the present, and history repeats itself as Thunberg once again faces arrest. The setting this time: a climate demonstration in The Hague, where the battle against environmental injustice continues to rage.

A Bold Stand in The Hague

Greta Thunberg was among several individuals detained by police during a climate protest in The Hague, Netherlands, Saturday (March 5th).

The Associated Press reported that Thunberg and other protestors were obstructing part of a road in a defiant stand against subsidies and tax breaks for fossil fuel industries.

Captured in a moment of defiance, Thunberg flashed a victory sign from within a bus used by police to transport the protestors away from the scene.

"We Are Unstoppable"

The protest, initially planned by the Extinction Rebellion group to block a highway leading into The Hague, was thwarted by a significant police presence.

Nevertheless, a determined group found another road to occupy. Ignoring police orders to disperse, they were eventually detained.

Their chants of “We are unstoppable, another world is possible,” echoed the relentless spirit of the global climate movement.

Earlier in the year, Thunberg was acquitted by a London court of failing to comply with a police order to leave a protest last year, which had disrupted an important oil and gas industry conference.

Her activism, unwavering in the face of legal challenges, continues to draw attention to the urgent need for action on climate change.