US Passed a New Bill: This Will Soon Be Illegal to Import From Russia

Written by Henrik Rothen

Dec.12 - 2023 9:37 AM CET

This Will Soon Be Illegal to Import From Russia.

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In a unanimous vote, the U.S. House of Representatives has passed a bill severing a key energy link with Russia: the import of uranium.

This significant escalation of sanctions against the Kremlin, in response to its ongoing aggression in Ukraine, is poised to impact both the nuclear power industry and the geopolitical landscape.

The bill, effective 90 days after its passage, prohibits the import of low-enriched uranium produced within Russia's borders. However, it allows the U.S. Department of Energy, in consultation with the Secretaries of State and Treasury, to grant exemptions in certain cases. These exemptions would be limited to quantities already permitted under existing laws, ensuring continuity for existing contracts and preventing immediate disruptions.

The legislation also mandates the Department of Energy to explore alternatives to Russian uranium supplies, seeking geographical diversification for future needs. This proactive approach aims to minimize the long-term impact of the ban on the U.S. nuclear power sector, which currently relies heavily on Russian material.

The House's swift and decisive action reflects mounting frustration with Russia's actions on the world stage. The uranium ban joins a growing list of sanctions targeting Russian energy, finance, and trade, all aimed at pressuring the Kremlin to change its course.

The bill now heads to the Senate, where it is expected to face similar bipartisan support. Once signed into law, it will mark another milestone in the increasingly strained relationship between the US and Russia, and its ripple effects will be felt across the global energy market.