Warsaw Mall Engulfed by Massive Blaze

Written by Henrik Rothen

May.12 - 2024 10:23 AM CET

Photo: Private
Photo: Private
A violent fire broke out in a shopping center in the Polish capital.

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Thick black smoke billowed into the sky from a devastating fire that tore through a sprawling shopping mall.

The inferno, which erupted in the early hours of the morning (local time Poland), consumed over 80% of the structure, casting a dark shadow over the Polish capital.

Firefighters Battle Through the Night

According to Polish TVN24, the fire was reported around 4:00 AM, at which point emergency services sprang into action.

Approximately 180 firefighters were deployed to tackle the raging flames.

Their relentless efforts brought the fire under control by 7:45 AM, preventing further damage and potential loss of life.

A Close Call With No Casualties

Located in the northern part of Warsaw, the mall housed dozens of stores and was a popular local shopping destination.

Despite the severity of the fire, which caused part of the roof to collapse, there have been no reported injuries.