Biden Urges Congress to Swiftly Pass Bill Supporting Ukraine and Israel

Written by Camilla Jessen

Apr.15 - 2024 10:07 AM CET

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
President Joe Biden presses Congress leaders to expedite the approval of a national security amendment.

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President Joe Biden has called on Congress to quickly pass legislation that includes significant aid provisions for Ukraine and Israel.

During a phone conversation with congressional leaders from both parties, Biden stressed the urgency of approving the amendment to the National Security Act, which details these aid allocations.

Key Discussions and Legislative Actions

"The President discussed the urgent need for the House of Representatives to quickly pass an amendment to the National Security Act," the White House stated, as reported by CNN.

According to the statement, the telephone conference included prominent political figures such as Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, House Speaker Mike Johnson, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, and House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries.

During a Sunday news conference, Schumer called on the Republican-majority House of Representatives to consider the amendment previously passed by the Senate. He emphasized, "The best way to help Israel and Ukraine is to approve the amendment this week. I urged Speaker Johnson to do this."

Challenges in the House of Representatives

Despite Senate approval, the bill has faced resistance in the House, particularly from conservatives who oppose additional aid to Ukraine and are advocating for stricter U.S. border policies with Mexico. This opposition has delayed the House vote on the bill, complicating the legislative process.

Speaker Mike Johnson has expressed reluctance to bring the Senate-approved bill to the House floor. Instead, he plans to introduce an alternative proposal that includes "some important innovations," though details of these changes remain unclear.

The proposed legislation involves a substantial financial commitment, with the U.S. Senate having approved $95 billion in aid, of which $60 billion is designated for Ukraine. This aid is intended to support not only Ukraine but also Israel and Taiwan.

Next Steps

For the aid package to become law, it must be passed by the House of Representatives and then signed by President Biden.

The outcome of this legislative effort will have significant implications for U.S. foreign policy and its strategic partnerships with Ukraine and Israel, among others.