Investigation Underway After Attempted Arson at Synagogue

Written by Camilla Jessen

May.01 - 2024 2:13 PM CET

Photo: Sergio Delle Vedove /
Photo: Sergio Delle Vedove /
Polish police are investigating reports of an attempted arson attack on a synagogue in Warsaw

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Polish authorities are investigating an attempted arson attack on the Nozyk Synagogue in Warsaw, as confirmed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Radosław Sikorski. According to reports, the attack involved an incendiary bottle, though thankfully no injuries were reported.

The Nozyk Synagogue holds significant historical value as the only pre-war synagogue in Warsaw that remains active. It was originally opened in 1902.

Details of the Incident

The incident was first brought to public attention by a tweet from Minister Sikorski, who cited information from Poland's Chief Rabbi, Michael Schudrich.

"Rabbi Schudrich writes that someone attempted to set fire to the Nożyk Synagogue using a Molotov cocktail. Thankfully, no one was hurt," Sikorski tweeted.

He also speculated about the motives behind the attack, asking, "It's interesting to consider who is trying to disrupt our anniversary of joining the EU. Could it be the same people who scrawled Star of Davids in Paris?"

Jacek Wysniewski, a spokesperson for the Warsaw police, confirmed that a police report had been filed and that investigative actions were underway.

President Andrzej Duda also weighed in, denouncing the "shameful attack" on his Twitter account and affirming that "there is no place for anti-Semitism or hatred in Poland."

Chief Rabbi Schudrich announced plans for a public meeting in front of the synagogue to provide "all information" on the incident. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday at 5:00 p.m., as reported by TVN24.

Related Incidents

This incident is part of a series of recent anti-Semitic acts, including the defacement of buildings in Paris with the Star of David. Moldovan businessman Anatolii Pryzenko has confessed to his involvement in these acts.

Furthermore, French investigators are probing potential Russian ties to the vandalism, noting that several buildings in Paris were targeted in a similar manner.