North Korea Sent Over 13,000 Ammunition Containers to Russia

Written by Camilla Jessen

Aug.28 - 2024 10:07 AM CET

Photo: Seafarers on X
Photo: Seafarers on X
North Korea has reportedly sent over 13,000 containers of ammunition and military equipment to Russia.

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North Korea has reportedly supplied Russia with more than 13,000 shipping containers of ammunition and military equipment since mid-2022, according to a report from South Korea's Defense Intelligence Agency.

The independent Russian news outlet The Moscow Times reports that the shipments passed through the eastern port of Najin. They are believed to include over 6 million 152mm artillery shells, along with mobile anti-aircraft missile systems, anti-tank missiles, and other weapons.

Nearly half of these shipments were sent after February 2024.

South Korea's Defense Ministry suggests that in return for these supplies, Russia might be providing North Korea with technological support for its missile and satellite programs.

In June, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited North Korea, where the two nations signed a strategic partnership agreement, effectively creating a military alliance.

The agreement commits Russia and the DPRK to mutual assistance in the event of aggression against either state. Putin also hinted at possible military-technical cooperation with North Korea, despite international sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council.

Since the signing of the agreement, Russia has reportedly made at least four unannounced flights to North Korea, further fueling concerns about the deepening military ties between the two countries.